We recognise that we have a number of obligations towards various stakeholders. We also recognise that at times our obligations towards different parties may conflict, and that it is our responsibility to seek appropriate harmony and balance between the parties’ interests. In essence, we leverage stakeholder relationships, invest in socio-economic development, and embed sustainable business practices thereby creating shared value, reputation capital and our licence to operate. Our stakeholder engagement challenge is therefore to relate to our material stakeholders and broader society in a way that grows the emotional connection to our business and brand (even among non-users of our products), giving us social relevance and earning trust in our ability to improve people’s lives by making their financial freedom possible.
Government/ the State
We will:
- Obey the law.
- Contribute to the development of the nation and citizenry and support all reasonable initiatives that have this aim.
- Exercise judiciously any power or influence which we hold.
Regulators, Policy & Law Makers
- Cooperate with all supervisory and regulatory bodies duly appointed for our sector.
Civil Society/ the Public
We will:
- Communicate with integrity.
- Not knowingly mislead in our advertising, marketing, or selling.
- Not abuse the public’s trust.
- Recognise a commitment to corporate social responsibility and to the broader role of business in society.
The Media
- Respect the independence of the Media in the practice of their journalistic work.
- Remain accessible to all Media at all times, and be responsive to all reasonable inquiries.
- Support the growth and development of the Media, especially on skills enhancement specifically in financial journalism.
Organised Business & Professional Bodies
- Actively support initiatives aimed at improving the operational effectiveness of our sector.
- Actively participate in the activities of duly registered/ recognised industry and professional bodies.
Investors/ shareholders
We will:
- Acknowledge our shareholders’ entitlement to a reasonable return on their investment.
- Communicate with shareholders regularly, clearly, and honestly.
- Safeguard the business and its assets by continuing to subscribe to the principles of sound corporate governance and zero tolerance for corruption and any abuse of resources. We will apply appropriate internal operating and financial controls.
- Cultivate a positive public image founded on truth and fairness.
Our customers
We will:
- Honour our contractual obligations.
- Develop long-term mutually beneficial business relationships.
- Train employees and representatives of our business to be proficient and professional.
- Deal with our clients in mutual confidence and ensure that access to confidential information is appropriately restricted.
- Provide solutions to emerging issues and participate in effective mechanisms to resolve any disputes or difficulties.
Our people/ employees
We will:
- Treat our employees with due dignity, respect, fairness, and courtesy.
- Not discriminate unfairly on the grounds of race, gender, sex, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, religion, conscience, belief, political opinion, culture, language, or family responsibility.
- Remunerate our employees fairly, according to their contributions, their market value, and their potential.
- Provide training and development opportunities appropriate to their needs, ambitions, and abilities and in line with the requirements of the Group's business operations.
- Take appropriate measures to improve the prospects of historically disadvantaged employees.
- Provide a safe working environment for all employees at all times.
- Expect all our employees and representatives to honour the provisions and spirit of the Code of Ethics in the course of their employment.
Business partners & suppliers
We will:
- In all respects deal with our suppliers fairly.
- Pay promptly for goods and services delivered in accordance with our contractual obligations.
- Not accept any financial or other inducements which could be perceived to impair our judgment. of the terms on which we conduct business.
- Provide training and awareness, where appropriate, to our staff to learn about the needs, ambitions, and abilities of our suppliers, in alignment with Group strategy.
Financial advisers
We will:
- In all respects deal with our financial advisers fairly.
- Pay promptly for services rendered in accordance with our contractual obligations.
- Not accept any financial or other inducements which could be perceived to impair our judgment of the terms on which we conduct business.
- Provide training and awareness where appropriate, to our staff to learn about the needs, ambitions, and abilities of our financial advisers, in alignment with Group strategy.
Contravention, remedies, and unethical behaviour at Liberty Holdings Limited or any of its subsidiaries will be dealt with consistently and decisively at all times.